[OpenID board] FW: RSA Pre-Conference Workshop: CALL REMINDER NEXT WED, Feb. 11, 12 ET
Brian Kissel
bkissel at janrain.com
Fri Feb 6 22:22:32 UTC 2009
FYI, an update on the RSA event for anyone who is tracking or may want to participate in one of the open panels.
Brian Kissel
Cell: 503.866.4424
Fax: 503.296.5502
-----Original Message-----
From: britta.glade at gmail.com [mailto:britta.glade at gmail.com] On Behalf Of Britta Glade
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2009 1:50 PM
To: mbj at microsoft.com; daniela barbosa; Brett McDowell; Roger Sullivan; Gardiner, Matthew; Jil Backstrom; Paul Madsen; Manabu Okamoto; tatsuki at nri.com; Tim.Christin at acxiom.com; Mary Ruddy; Brian Kissel; Charles Andres; Uppili Srinivasan; angel.grant at rsa.com
Subject: RSA Pre-Conference Workshop: CALL REMINDER NEXT WED, Feb. 11, 12 ET
Good news! RSA will be joining us as a speaker for our workshop as well as a pod presenter, and Privio will also be doing a pod. So agenda is just about full. If we have one more speaker we could look at some re-jiggering as we still have two "TBD" panels.
Reminder that we will be meeting again next Wednesday, Feb. 11, at 12 ET. Dial in will be:
code: 00228898#
The goal of our next meeting is to *finalize* speaking topics so that we can *finalize* agenda. If you have any feedback to the agenda (circulating again, noting the overall summary below), please reply all to the list with those thoughts.
Many thanks! Have a terrific weekend.
On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 11:55 AM, Britta Glade <britta at projectliberty.org> wrote:
> All--
> Thanks for attending Wed's call and apologies for the delay on these notes.
> Attached is my re-cut on the agenda based on requirements cited. I
> also blocked in speaking company's names, working alphabetically
> knowing we'll have changes based on final topics. I did put Ping
> after 2 pm based on other speaking commitments that Patrick has that day.
> Some notes on current cut of the agenda and how it has changed from
> prior version that we all need to agree to:
> 1. I took 25 min from the end pod time to accommodate more
> OSIS/Concordia results time -- and even with this, it's 15 min/interop
> scenario 2. I put NTT right after this interop results presentation
> as their presentation will build upon the interop results presented
> (not exclusively interop, but it's a good lead in) 3. We really,
> truly need 6 sponsoring/speaking organizations to cover this well I
> think. So if we have any other speaking candidates (Charles, you were
> confirming with Novell and Mike, you were checking with MSFT) that
> would be great.
> 4. There are no breaks throughout this (other than lunch). This is
> somewhat by design as people just tend to break whenever they want to
> and there's just not time.
> 5. We could also look at getting rid of the "closing" panel (though
> it is a good closing message) if we think we need breaks.
> Thoughts very welcome. Again, deadlines to be aware of:
> 1. Print deadline for RSA Conference brochure is FEB 4. If you send
> me your speaker name before then (even if it changes), I will get that
> info submitted to the conference organizers.
> 2. Deadline for committing to pods and speaking is FEB 4. At this
> time, we will start sending invoices to speaking organizations.
> Invoices for Pod participants will be delayed until A/V set up is
> finalized. Reminder that for pods, the cost is $1K + technical
> costs/pod (I am working on getting a generic bid from the technical
> resources for the Conference--it would be good to get a discussion
> going on our next call as to what the base pod set-up requirements
> will be). Dialogue about this in the meantime via this list serve is welcome--change subject line to "pod technical requirements"
> or something like that :). To that end, technical requirements for
> Sunday's working session would be helpful, too (for example, Internet
> access is not likely unless we pay for it).
> 3. Next meeting: Feb. 11, 9 am PT (I'll send a reminder, but please
> mark your calendars)
> Discussion about the workshop on this mail list is encouraged I
> didn't get responses from everyone with who should be on this
> distribution list, so if you want to forward this in your organization
> that's fine. I would also love for you to send me any contacts to add
> so that I have them for next round so they can see/be part of the full discussion.
> Thanks, all. I look forward to working with all of you.
> --
> Britta Glade Liberty Alliance 925-254-4233
Britta Glade Liberty Alliance 925-254-4233
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