[OpenID board] Fwd: Archiving Foundation Documents

Chris Messina chris.messina at gmail.com
Wed Feb 4 07:56:02 UTC 2009

Indeed -- we should have all documents in a consistent place, where
board members can access these documents and maintain them.

What other documents might we be missing?


On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 4:34 PM, David Recordon <david at sixapart.com> wrote:
> If your doc isn't there then I never got it from Bill.
> On Feb 3, 2009, at 4:33 PM, Nat wrote:
>> Comments inline:
>> =nat at TOKYO via iPhone
>> On 2009/02/04, at 3:16, David Recordon <david at sixapart.com> wrote:
>>> We've been keeping executed IPR docs at
>>> http://openid.net/ipr/Non-Assertion-Agreement/executed/ as PDFs
>> Apparently not because my IPR doc does not appear there. There is a chance
>> that some other party's doc is not recorded there as well.
>>> and I think we could do the same sort of thing for other Foundation
>>> documents.
>> +1
>> Let us assign a permanent URI to each official document now on.
>>> --David (moved to the public list)
>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>>> From: Nat Sakimura <sakimura at gmail.com>
>>>> Date: February 3, 2009 12:42:56 AM PST
>>>> Right.
>>>> Ideally, we assign a permanent URI to each document, and that URI
>>>> returns
>>>> 303 redirect to the physical location of the document etc. would be good
>>>> so that we can keep the URI the same without regard to the physical
>>>> underling
>>>> storage software.
>>>> Also, at the start of the new board working, it would be a good practice
>>>> to
>>>> see if we have all the legal documents in place, e.g., membershp
>>>> agreements,
>>>> IPR agreements, etc. Last time I checked the executed IPR agreement
>>>> directory,
>>>> I did not see NRI's, though I know we have executed and handed in person
>>>> to Bill at IIW2008a.
>>>> =nat
>>>> On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 3:13 PM, Chris Messina <chris.messina at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 9:50 PM, Scott Kveton <scott at kveton.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Great.
>>>>>>> How are we maintaining these documents?
>>>>>>> Do we have like... an archive somewhere? Should they be public or
>>>>>>> private?
>>>>>> I don't know if we have a way of doing this today.
>>>>>> There's no reason these can't be public after we announce; wiki?
>>>>> Yeah, I'm mostly thinking for archival and group purposes. I know
>>>>> lately Nat
>>>>> has been asking for a lot of documents that seem to me believe in a
>>>>> readily
>>>>> available place... since the wiki allows for File Upload -- might as
>>>>> well
>>>>> put them there for now. Seems easier and more generally accessible than
>>>>> anything else.
>>>>> Chris
>>>>> --
>>>>> Chris Messina
>>>>> Citizen-Participant &
>>>>> Open Web Advocate-at-Large
>>>>> factoryjoe.com # diso-project.org
>>>>> citizenagency.com # vidoop.com
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>>>> --
>>>> Nat Sakimura (=nat)
>>>> http://www.sakimura.org/en/
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Chris Messina
Citizen-Participant &
  Open Web Advocate-at-Large

factoryjoe.com # diso-project.org
citizenagency.com # vidoop.com
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