[OpenID board] List change?

David Recordon recordond at gmail.com
Thu Aug 20 03:50:40 UTC 2009

Hi Nat,
Yes, the mailing list addresses have changed.  The main list address
for CX is specs-cx at lists.openid.net, though both specs-cx at openid.net
and openid-specs-cx at lists.openid.net will work as well.  We also reset
all of the passwords and I'll forward you the new one for the CX list
(not doing so was an oversight).


On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 7:11 PM, Nat Sakimura<sakimura at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> After the server was moved, it seems the mailling list address has
> been changed.
> For example, what used to be specs-cx at openid.net is now
> openid-specs-cx at lists.openid.net
> The mail to the old address becomes an error.
> I think this is a configuration problem.
> Also, has the password been changed?
> I do not seem to be able to login to the admin interface for both
> security and specs-cx list to attend to the list action request.
> If so, please let me know the new passwords.
> Best,
> --
> Nat Sakimura (=nat)
> http://www.sakimura.org/en/

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