[OpenID board] FW: RSA panel preliminary agenda

Brian Kissel bkissel at janrain.com
Wed Apr 15 16:47:18 UTC 2009

Hello All,

As you know, we'll be on a panel next Monday at the RSA conference with representatives from Concordia Project: Eve Maler (Chair); DataPortability Project: Daniela Barbosa (Chair); Information Card Foundation: Paul Trevithick (Chair); Liberty Alliance: Roger Sullivan (President); OAuth: Eric Sachs; OpenID Foundation: Brian Kissel (Chair); OSIS: Dale Olds (Chair).

As you can see below, there are 3 topics to be discussed and the OIDF will have a few minutes to share our thoughts on all three topics.  I'd welcome input from everyone on the messages we want to communicate at this forum.  Here are some initial thoughts:

*         Past - will talk about the benefits of federated ID to website operators and use Universal Music Group and JAL as examples.  Key benefits that I'll cite include:

o   Higher registration rates: will mention some of the stats that we shared at the Retail Advisory Committee call

o   Single click login:  No user name/password to forget.  Increase customer satisfaction & reduce forgotten password costs

o   Keeping customer data current: Users only have to change their data once at their preferred OP instead of at hundreds of individual sites

o   Importing friends and contact info from the identity provider to the recipient website

o   Bi-directional activity stream data:  Data flows between the identity provider and recipient website.  This allows the website to project its brand and customer activities to OP websites

o   Federated login across internal and partner sites:  JAL using with partner hotel and car rental agencies, increased partner registrations by 100%

*         Present

o   Current emphasis of OIDF is on improving usability (talk about the UX Summits and Usability Committee, WG, and extension) and user data management (note: this includes security and also SREG/AX, PoCo, Oauth, activity streams, etc.) of OpenID.

o   As OpenID expands into applications areas such as government and commerce, we'll be working more closely with organizations like Liberty and ICF who have been providing thought leadership on Identity Assurance Frameworks (IAF) and levels of assurance (LOA)

o   This will include B2B (as in JAL case) and B2C for commerce applications.  We can talk about CX, PAPE, OpenID/OAuth hybrid of examples of what we're doing today.

*         Future

o   The market will drive this, but some possibilities include...

o   Looking forward to input from everyone here


Brian Kissel
Cell: 503.866.4424
Fax: 503.296.5502

From: Cser, Andras [mailto:acser at forrester.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2009 3:09 AM
To: Cser, Andras; 'Britta Glade'; 'Eric Sachs'; 'Eve Maler'; 'daniela barbosa'; 'Paul Trevithick'; 'Roger.Sullivan'; Brian Kissel; 'Dale Olds'
Subject: RE: RSA panel preliminary agenda

Dear all,
Below please find the updated panel agenda as we discussed on Thursday. Let me know if you have questions or comments.

Part 1: The past (15 minutes): Be ready to discuss the benefits of an implemented solution (which was commercially viable), success stories for how various organizations and standards have worked together and how they established trust relationships with their users.

Part 2: The present (25 minutes): Be ready to discuss the most important challenges and resolution ideas for overcoming business problems and what kinds of projects companies are doing in the areas of templatization of federated relationships, spectrum of trust level definitions, fiscal models. Focus should be split 50-50 between B2C and B2B trust models.

Part 3: The future (10-15 minutes): How identities of the future and organizations will work together and build trust networks. What game changing trends do you see in the market, including how enterprises can protect data in a federated manner, how social networks will impact the enterprise, how identity services can be outsourced to a hosted provider.

Andras Cser (bio<http://www.forrester.com/rb/analyst/andras_cser>) | Sr. Analyst Security and Risk Management | Forrester Research | 400 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA 02139 | Phone: +1-617-613-6365 | Fax: +1-617-613-5365 | Mobile: +1-781-640-4581 | acser at forrester.com

From: Cser, Andras
Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2009 2:03 PM
To: Britta Glade; Eric Sachs; Eve Maler; daniela barbosa; Paul Trevithick; Roger.Sullivan; Brian Kissel; Dale Olds
Subject: RSA panel preliminary agenda

Here's the preliminary agenda of the panel. Please read and comment.

 1.  Top 3 implemented solutions (commercially viable): success stories for how various organizations and standards have worked together and how they established trust
 2.  Top 3 challenges and resolution ideas for overcoming business problems: templatization of relationships, specturm of trust level definition
 3.  Top 3 trends in making identities work together and building trust networks

Andras Cser (bio<http://www.forrester.com/rb/analyst/andras_cser>) | Sr. Analyst Security and Risk Management | Forrester Research | 400 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA 02139 | Phone: +1-617-613-6365 | Fax: +1-617-613-5365 | Mobile: +1-781-640-4581 | acser at forrester.com

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