[OpenID board] -URGENT!! TIME SENSITIVE MATTER! -Japanese Trademark Application - Open ID Europe
Nat Sakimura
sakimura at gmail.com
Mon Apr 13 07:02:44 UTC 2009
I will take care of it.
2009/4/13 HIROE AND ASSOCIATES <intl_s at hiroe.co.jp>:
> Japanese Trademark Application No. 2008-026160
> for the mark "Open ID" in class 42
> Applicant: Snorri Giorgetti
> Deadline to respond to the Office Action: April 27, 2009
> To Whom it May Concern:
> Please be informed that we are an intellectual property law firm in
> Japan, HIROE AND ASSOCIATES patent professional corporation which is
> handling the above-identified trademark application in Japan.
> We would like to know the current contact person in regards to the
> above-identified application and receive the proper instructions how we
> should respond to this outstanding office action (Deadline: April 27, 2009)
> Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. If you have any other
> questions, please feel free to contact us by the contact information below.
> Sincerely yours,
> Kanako YASHIRO (Ms.)
> Patent Attorney
> YSR/cs
> cc: Takenori HIROE, Esq.
> Please kindly note our office will be closed on the following days:
> April 29, 2009 Wednesday
> May 4, 2009 Monday - May 6, 2009 Wednesday
> The Japan Patent Office (the JPO) is also closed on the above days.
> Please mark your calendar to reflect this information.
> If you have any submissions to the Japan Patent Office with deadlines on or
> around the
> dates listed above, please let us know well in advance of the due dates.
> ***********************************************
> HIROE AND ASSOCIATES, Patent Professional Corporation
> (International Section)
> 4-3, Usa 3-chome,
> Gifu-City 500-8368
> TEL: +81-58-276-2175
> FAX: +81-58-268-7602
> E-mail: intl_s at hiroe.co.jp
> Website: http://www.hiroe.co.jp/
> ***********************************************
> This email from Hiroe and Associates may contain privileged
> and/or confidential information. If you receive this email
> in error, please contact the sender and delete any copies of
> this email from your system.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: HIROE AND ASSOCIATES [mailto:intl_s at hiroe.co.jp]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2009 3:55 PM
> To: eu at openid.net; board at openid.net; eu-owner at openid.net
> Cc: takenori at hiroe.co.jp
> Subject: Japanese Trademark Application - Open ID Europe
> To Whom IT May Concern:
> This message is in regards to the Japanese trademark
> application for the “Open ID” trademark in Japan which has a deadline on
> April 27, 2009.
> We attempted to contact the Open ID Europe foundation
> representation, Mr. Antonio Dos Santos, many times to no avail.
> The contact information we have is as follows:
> Antonio Dos Santos
> 66, avnue des Champs Elysees
> FR, 75008
> Facsimile No.: 331-7670-1417
> E-mail: openid at openideurope.eu, antoniodossantos2 at gmail.com
> All of the above information has been held to be invalid.
> If you or anyone you may know is aware of Mr. Dos Santos’s
> current contact information, please inform us at info at hiroe.co.jp or
> facsimile 86-58-268-7602
> Any and all help is appreciated.
> Sincerely,
> Hiroe & Associates, patent professional corporation
> (OpenID Europe Foundation’s Japanese Intellectual Property Representative)
> YSR/cs/jc
> cc: Takenori HIROE, Esq.
> ***********************************************
> HIROE AND ASSOCIATES, Patent Professional Corporation
> (International Section)
> 4-3, Usa 3-chome,
> Gifu-City 500-8368
> TEL: +81-58-276-2175
> FAX: +81-58-268-7602
> E-mail: intl_s at hiroe.co.jp
> Website: http://www.hiroe.co.jp/
> ***********************************************
> This email from Hiroe and Associates may contain privileged
> and/or confidential information. If you receive this email
> in error, please contact the sender and delete any copies of
> this email from your system.
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> board at openid.net
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Nat Sakimura (=nat)
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