[OpenID board] -URGENT!! TIME SENSITIVE MATTER! -Japanese Trademark Application - Open ID Europe
intl_s at hiroe.co.jp
Mon Apr 13 06:52:08 UTC 2009
Japanese Trademark Application No. 2008-026160
for the mark "Open ID" in class 42
Applicant: Snorri Giorgetti
Deadline to respond to the Office Action: April 27, 2009
To Whom it May Concern:
Please be informed that we are an intellectual property law firm in
Japan, HIROE AND ASSOCIATES patent professional corporation which is
handling the above-identified trademark application in Japan.
We would like to know the current contact person in regards to the
above-identified application and receive the proper instructions how we
should respond to this outstanding office action (Deadline: April 27, 2009)
Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. If you have any other
questions, please feel free to contact us by the contact information below.
Sincerely yours,
Kanako YASHIRO (Ms.)
Patent Attorney
cc: Takenori HIROE, Esq.
Please kindly note our office will be closed on the following days:
April 29, 2009 Wednesday
May 4, 2009 Monday - May 6, 2009 Wednesday
The Japan Patent Office (the JPO) is also closed on the above days.
Please mark your calendar to reflect this information.
If you have any submissions to the Japan Patent Office with deadlines on or
around the
dates listed above, please let us know well in advance of the due dates.
HIROE AND ASSOCIATES, Patent Professional Corporation
(International Section)
4-3, Usa 3-chome,
Gifu-City 500-8368
TEL: +81-58-276-2175
FAX: +81-58-268-7602
E-mail: intl_s at hiroe.co.jp
Website: http://www.hiroe.co.jp/
This email from Hiroe and Associates may contain privileged
and/or confidential information. If you receive this email
in error, please contact the sender and delete any copies of
this email from your system.
-----Original Message-----
From: HIROE AND ASSOCIATES [mailto:intl_s at hiroe.co.jp]
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2009 3:55 PM
To: eu at openid.net; board at openid.net; eu-owner at openid.net
Cc: takenori at hiroe.co.jp
Subject: Japanese Trademark Application - Open ID Europe
To Whom IT May Concern:
This message is in regards to the Japanese trademark
application for the “Open ID” trademark in Japan which has a deadline on
April 27, 2009.
We attempted to contact the Open ID Europe foundation
representation, Mr. Antonio Dos Santos, many times to no avail.
The contact information we have is as follows:
Antonio Dos Santos
66, avnue des Champs Elysees
FR, 75008
Facsimile No.: 331-7670-1417
E-mail: <mailto:openid at openideurope.eu> openid at openideurope.eu,
<mailto:antoniodossantos2 at gmail.com> antoniodossantos2 at gmail.com
All of the above information has been held to be invalid.
If you or anyone you may know is aware of Mr. Dos Santos’s
current contact information, please inform us at <mailto:info at hiroe.co.jp>
info at hiroe.co.jp or facsimile 86-58-268-7602
Any and all help is appreciated.
Hiroe & Associates, patent professional corporation
(OpenID Europe Foundation’s Japanese Intellectual Property Representative)
cc: Takenori HIROE, Esq.
HIROE AND ASSOCIATES, Patent Professional Corporation
(International Section)
4-3, Usa 3-chome,
Gifu-City 500-8368
TEL: +81-58-276-2175
FAX: +81-58-268-7602
E-mail: intl_s at hiroe.co.jp
Website: http://www.hiroe.co.jp/
This email from Hiroe and Associates may contain privileged
and/or confidential information. If you receive this email
in error, please contact the sender and delete any copies of
this email from your system.
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