[OpenID board] OpenID board for India

Mike Jones Michael.Jones at microsoft.com
Fri May 30 18:14:30 UTC 2008

The requirements and procedures for starting an OpenID local chapter are at http://openid.net/foundation/chapters/.  Glad this is happening!

                                Best wishes,
                                -- Mike

-----Original Message-----
From: board-bounces at openid.net [mailto:board-bounces at openid.net] On Behalf Of Snorri
Sent: Friday, May 30, 2008 4:14 AM
To: board at openid.net
Subject: Re: [OpenID board] OpenID board for India
Importance: High

Dear Babu,

Thank you for your initiative,
First, I invite you to visit www.openid.in and join the Indian Community
(with Jeetu) who grow up
Please contact also directly Anh Kiêt tawano16 at gmail.com for more

Best regards


-----Message d'origine-----
De : board-bounces at openid.net [mailto:board-bounces at openid.net] De la part
de Babu.N
Envoyé : vendredi 30 mai 2008 08:31
À : board at openid.net
Objet : [OpenID board] OpenID board for India

Hi OpenID group,

I wish to start a openID local chapter in India.
Could you please let me know the procedure for this.


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