[OpenID board] OpenID France - Registration of our Local Chapter

Snorri snorri at snorri.eu
Wed May 14 15:05:28 UTC 2008


Thank you Xtof




De : board-bounces at openid.net [mailto:board-bounces at openid.net] De la part
de Christophe Ducamp
Envoyé : mercredi 14 mai 2008 15:10
À : board at openid.net
Cc : Bill Washburn
Objet : [OpenID board] OpenID France - Registration of our Local Chapter


Dear Board,

 We want apply to be registered as  a Local Chapter and we confirm us that
we agree the OIDF Local Chapters Policy was approved by the OIDF Board on
May 8, 2008 (attached).

Here is information of our Local Chapter:

a) The organizers are Christophe Ducamp, Jean-Christophe Capelli and Laurent

b) The URL of the Association is http://www.openidfrance.fr/ 

c)  The region is the France and the French community

d) The name of our Chapter is "OpenID France"

("OpenID France" is a formal organization (non-profit association) founded
and incorporated since June 2007 -
<http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_loi_de_1901> French law of July


We thank you to list our Chapter on openid.net <http://openid.net/> 


Best regards,


Christophe DUCAMP



OIDF Local Chapters Policy

1 - Independent Organizations
Local Chapters ("Chapters") are independent of the OpenID Foundation
("OIDF") itself and thus can either be informal organizations or formal
legal entities, which is a decision left to the Chapter organizers.

2 - Registration
Organizations must apply to the OIDF for recognition as a Local Chapter by
sending an email to  <mailto:board at openid.net> board at openid.net. In this
email, Chapters must signify their agreement to the terms of this policy and
supply: a) contact information for the organizers, b) the URL that the OIDF
should use when listing the chapter, c) a description of the region or
community that the organization serves, and d) the name of the chapter.

3 - Members
Chapters will clearly inform their members and prospective members that
membership in the Local Chapter does not grant them membership in the OIDF
and will encourage their members to also join OIDF.

4 - Leadership Team
Chapters must be headed by a designated leadership team, composed of at
least three people.

5 - Internet Site
Chapters should have their own web site, listing events and news. This
Chapter-sponsored web site is the responsibility of the chapter organizers,
not of the OIDF staff or volunteers.

6 - Intellectual Property
Chapters must agree that any intellectual property or trademarks developed
or held by the Chapter must be freely available for use to the OpenID
Community; in particular, they must agree that any intellectual property or
trademarks developed or held by the local chapter must either be owned by
OIDF, jointly owned by the OIDF, or licensed to the OIDF under terms that
allow OIDF to use them in whatever way it sees fit, including sublicensing
to others under terms of its choosing.  The one exception to this policy is
that a Chapter may have a Chapter logo or mark that is only available to
members of that Chapter, provided that that logo or mark does not infringe
the OpenID trademark.

7 - Purpose
Chapters must agree that all Chapter activities are focused on fostering the
widespread adoption and use of OpenID and in support of the OIDF's mission

8 - Financing
Chapters must operate independently, with no expectation of receiving funds
from OIDF. However, they may apply to the OIDF board for funding of specific
activities or events, and these requests will be considered on their merits.

9 - Activities Report
Chapters must exhibit "liveness". At least every year the Chapter's leaders
must report to the Local Chapters Committee on their chapter activities.
Meetings are good.  Evidence of an active mailing list is sufficient.

10 - Listing of Chapters
OIDF will list the Chapters on openid.net <http://openid.net/>  in a
geographically organized list, providing contact information and links to
the Chapter sites.

11 - Nondiscriminatory Acceptance
All proposed Chapters agreeing to abide by the Local Chapters Policy will be
accepted as Local Chapters by the OIDF.

12 - Territories
OIDF will recognize any proposed eligible Local Chapters, regardless of the
geographic scope of the chapter, including chapters with overlapping
territories and missions.

13 - Non-Exclusive Relationships
Chapters are free to maintain relationships and partnerships with other
organizations and to maintain their own memberships, provided that the
purpose and conduct of those relationships is consistent with this Local
Chapters Policy.

14 - Local Chapters Committee
OIDF may authorize a Local Chapters Committee. This committee must be
composed of at least one Chapter leader and at least one OIDF board member.

15 - Chapter Removal
If a Chapter has violated the Chapters Policy (e.g.: if a Chapter does not
report its activities or pursues activities in conflict with its mission to
promote OpenID) and the violation has not been corrected and completely
resolved within 3 months after written notice by OIDF, OIDF can remove that
Chapter from its listings. The OIDF Board may delegate the authority to
de-list a chapter with cause to the Local Chapters Committees.  A Chapter
may appeal the committee's decision to the board.  A Chapter may also
request to be de-listed.

16 - Changes to the Local Chapters Policy
If the OIDF alters the Local Chapters Policy it will notify Local Chapter
leaders of the change. Following notification, the Local Chapter leaders
will have 90 days to reply to the Local Chapters Committee either accepting
the revised policy or stating why they are unwilling to operate under the
revised policy. Should they not accept the revised policy, the OIDF will
record the policy version under which the Chapter was admitted and allow
that chapter to continue operating under that policy, except in cases where
the board determines that substantial legal risk or financial harm would be
incurred by the OIDF or that damage to OpenID would result.  Failure to
formally opt out of the revised policy within 90 days of the change will be
deemed acceptance of the new policy.

Christophe Ducamp
christophe.ducamp at gmail.com
+336 03 96 04 92 

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