[OpenID board] Topic for this week's agenda

Nat Sakimura n-sakimura at nri.co.jp
Thu Mar 13 08:04:27 UTC 2008

So, what is the requirement to the voting app?

I guess,

1) OpenID Enabled.
2) One OpenID is allowed to vote only once.
are the minimum requirement. Perhaps:

3) One can change the vote before the deadline.

is nice, too, but I am not sure if we really need it.

I do not think annonymous voting is needed for the time being.


Mike Jones wrote:
> That's true, but those votes wouldn't qualify under the IPR policy and procedures for any of the significant decisions, such as starting a working group, approving drafts, etc.  They're also not good enough for electing board members.
> What are you proposing that these votes would be good enough for?
>                                 -- Mike
> -----Original Message-----
> From: board-bounces at openid.net [mailto:board-bounces at openid.net] On Behalf Of David Recordon
> Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2008 1:21 PM
> To: board at openid.net
> Subject: Re: [OpenID board] Topic for this week's agenda
> The community can always just have a lightweight version of voting.
> Someone makes a proposal, others +1 it, boom done.
> On Mar 10, 2008, at 11:41 AM, Martin Atkins wrote:
>> Drummond Reed wrote:
>>> Scott and Bill:
>>> Per the thread below, the question of when we will be opening up
>>> new Working
>>> Groups for specifications is starting to come up. I'm not saying
>>> there is a
>>> compelling reason to do that yet for any spec other than PAPE (and
>>> the
>>> Trusted Exchange spec that Nat Sakimura and his team have
>>> suggested), but I
>>> do think that OIDF needs to take a public stance about:
>>> a) The status of current WGs (to my knowledge it's not published
>>> anywhere
>>> what WGs exist or are planned)
>>> b) The process for community members to form a WG.
>>> Can we put a short discussion about this on this week's agenda?
>> It was my understanding that the blocker for this is that we have no
>> voting system through which we can hold a vote for the creation of a
>> WG.
>> Obviously that is in hand per our discussions at the last meeting.
>> However, I guess we could discuss an interim plan to get the first few
>> WGs up and running quickly. It'd be nice if these could be up and
>> running by IIW so that the WGs can potentially present to the
>> community
>> what they've been up to.
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Nat Sakimura (=nat)
Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. 
XDI.ORG Vice Chair

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