[OpenID board] Meeting this week ...

Martin Atkins mart at degeneration.co.uk
Wed Mar 12 18:43:32 UTC 2008

Scott Kveton wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I've clearly dropped the ball on the meeting this week ... with travel
> and move I won't be able to attend.
> Bill: can you take care of logistics please?

I'm an hour out of whack this week due to differences between the US and 
UK daylight savings schedule, so I might be a little late to the meeting 
tomorrow due to it effectively being an hour earlier than it'd normally 
be and thus cutting it a bit fine for me being home from work.

This applies to this meeting and the meeting on March 27th, but after 
that we'll be on daylight savings too and it'll all be back to 
(relative) sanity.

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