[OpenID board] second life

Andy Powell andy.powell at eduserv.org.uk
Sat Sep 29 07:33:17 UTC 2007

For info... I blogged about this a while back


but the only (informal) reaction I got was along the lines of "Linden
Lab are not interested in OpenID".  Linden Lab is the owner of Second
Life - i.e. Linden Lab is the potential member of OIDF.

I have a couple of contacts at LL (on the educational side of things)
and could ask for a better (i.e. more senior technical) contact if that
would help??

Head of Development, Eduserv Foundation
andy.powell at eduserv.org.uk
+44 (0)1225 474319 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: board-bounces at openid.net 
> [mailto:board-bounces at openid.net] On Behalf Of Bill Washburn
> Sent: 28 September 2007 21:08
> To: OpenID Board
> Subject: [OpenID board] second life
> Hi--
> Here's a article related to identity from Forbes that 
> references Second Life, OpenID and Dick Hardt/Sxip.
> http://www.forbes.com/business/2007/09/27/news-corp-symantec-t
> ech-cz_vb_0927anonymity.html
> The article attempts to give an interesting connection 
> between trust and identity and feels like another indicator 
> of how things are moving toward mainstream visibility in the 
> marketplace.  We have talked before about Second Life as a 
> potential member of OIDF.  If any of you would like to talk 
> with them or introduce me, this might be a reasonable time.
> cheers,
> -bill

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