[OpenID board] Meeting minutes

Martin Atkins mart at degeneration.co.uk
Tue Jun 12 17:47:35 UTC 2007

Martin Atkins wrote:
> Johannes Ernst wrote:
>> The wiki shows
>>    http://openid.net/wiki/index.php/OpenID_Foundation/Board
>> The last meeting minutes on March 15th.
>> What's the status of all meeting minutes since?
> I've been intending to put up the other minutes since I got back from 
> the U.S., but sadly I've been busy with various things.
> I'll endeavour to get them all up when I get in from work this evening.

I have put up all of the minutes I have, with the exception of Johannes' 
notes from the last meeting which are of course not yet approved.

I have discovered that there are some holes in my archives.

The notes from the informal meeting we had at IIW and the meeting of the 
24th May while I was still in SF do not seem to have made it over to me; 
I was working on a laptop I borrowed from Six Apart for the duration of 
my stay and had sent these notes to myself by email but apparently they 
never arrived. This laptop may or may not still be at Brad's house, so 
it may be possible to recover the copies from there if Brad hasn't yet 
returned the laptop to 6A. However, he is currently on vacation so I 
won't get any verdict on this for a couple of weeks.

I also cannot find a copy of the notes from the meeting of 17th May -- 
the one I missed while I was in SF. Could whoever wrote these notes 
please send me a copy, or just put the document on the wiki directly?

Likewise the notes from the 31st May.

These missing meetings will bring our archive up to date.

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