[OpenID board] Next call

Johannes Ernst jernst at netmesh.us
Fri Jun 1 16:43:41 UTC 2007

On May 31, 2007, at 22:42, Drummond Reed wrote:

> I do agree that bi-weekly will add emphasis to each meeting; let's  
> go there
> as soon as we finish getting fully set up.

Right now, de-facto we already have bi-weekly or even less frequent  
calls -- for example, yesterday, we didn't have a quorum, which means  
it wasn't a board meeting.

I'm proposing to acknowledge that, and reduce the time commitment for  
regularly scheduled board meetings to the level that increases  
attendance to more than, say, 90%. If that is quarterly, so be it,  
but I would like to avoid that those people's time is wasted who have  
shown up and couldn't do much because there was no quorum.

Is that unreasonable?



Johannes Ernst
NetMesh Inc.

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