Mailing Lists |
Welcome! Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list. If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact |
List | Description |
Board-ec | OIDF Executive Committee |
board | [no description available] |
Code | [no description available] |
Openid-digital-directives | [no description available] |
eu | General OpenID discussions relating to Europe |
Openid-gain-poc | OpenID GAIN POC Community Group Mail List |
general | OpenID General Discussion |
Openid-lc | OIDF Liaison Committee |
legal | Legal discussion around OpenID |
marketing | OpenID marketing |
security | Discussion around security and anti-phishing tactics |
specs | OpenID Specifications Discussions |
Openid-specs-ab | Artifact Binding/Connect Working Group |
Openid-specs-attributes | v.Next Core Attributes list (defunct) |
Openid-specs-authzen | AuthZEN Working Group List |
Openid-specs-ax | Attribute Exchange 1.1 Working Group |
openid-specs-connect | the Connect work group |
Openid-specs-core | v.Next Core mailing list (defunct) |
specs-council | Specifications Council |
Specs-cx | Contract Exchange for dynamic exchange of legal contract among the parties. |
Openid-specs-digital-credentials-protocols | Digital Credentials Protocols List |
Openid-specs-discovery | OpenID Discovery working group |
Openid-specs-eap | OpenID Enhanced Authentication Profile Working Group |
Openid-specs-ekyc-ida | OpenID eKYC Identity Assurance Working Group |
Openid-specs-fapi | FAPI Working Group List |
Openid-specs-fastfed | FastFed WG list |
Openid-specs-heart | [no description available] |
Openid-specs-igov | Security and privacy profile for public sector services |
Openid-specs-ipsie | [no description available] |
Openid-specs-mobile-profile | Mobile Profile for OpenID Connect |
Openid-specs-native-apps | Native Applications WG |
openid-specs-rande | Research & Education Profile for OpenID Connect |
Openid-specs-risc | [no description available] |
user-experience | OpenID user experience |
votes | DEPRECATED - Community and board votes happen here |
policy-charter | Policy Charter Mail List |
version 2.1.30 |