Login Federation

SignpostMarv Martin signpostmarv.martin at slopenid.net
Tue Feb 19 13:38:36 UTC 2008

> On 2/19/08, *Brett Carter* <brett at rdnzl.net <mailto:brett at rdnzl.net>> 
> wrote:
>     This is close to what I was thinking, however why not simply pass
>     the user's open id url to the external site, through some yet
>     undefined parameter.  This way, there's little chance for cache
>     poisoning.  Passing the open id url, the consumer site can just
>     proceed with authentication normally, using any cached data it has
>     already.  Also, I think IMG tags are a better idea than IFRAMES,
>     in another post.  They're more compatible, for one.
As people have mentioned (although without using reply to all :-P), 
using the <img> tag would provide for an anti-phishing method by 
allowing the user to specify the image that loads.

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