[Idschemas] which layered transports for retrieving schema metadata

Mark Wahl Mark.Wahl at informed-control.com
Thu Sep 6 18:17:10 UTC 2007

I've revised the draft document "Identity Schema Element Metadata:
Basic Retrieval", located at http://idschemas.idcommons.net/moin.cgi/BasicRetrieval
and attached to this email.  The revised document incorporates a
few bug fixes, and also adds the ability for a site to describe
their schema metadata, e.g., their attribute type definitions,
using a XHTML-based syntax with RDFa markup as an alternative to

For example, the metadata of attribute type http://...#age can be described
in a file with XHTML+RDFa so that the file gives a reasonable rendering in a
web browser that does not know anything about RDF or identity schemas, and
an application which is RDF and schema aware retrieving that file can parse
out RDF triples that give a precise machine-parsable definition of the
rdfs:label, rdfs:comment, rdf:type, rdfs:subPropertyOf and other
properties of the attribute type.

<ul about="#age">
<li><span property="rdfs:label">Age</span></li>
<li><span property="rdfs:label" lang="de">Alter</span> (German)</li>
<li><span property="rdfs:label" lang="fr">&#xC2;ge</span> (French)</li>
<li>Comment: <span property="rdfs:comment">How old a person is (in years)</span></li>
<li>This is an <a rel="rdf:type" href="http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#ObjectProperty">OWL ObjectProperty</a>.</li>
<li>This is a sub-property of a <a rel="rdfs:subPropertyOf" 
href="http://www.eclipse.org/higgins/ontologies/2006/higgins#attribute">Higgins attribute</a>.</li>

Mark Wahl
Informed Control Inc.

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