Final outstanding issues with the OpenID 2.0 Authenticationspecification

Josh Hoyt josh at
Thu May 17 21:04:32 UTC 2007

On 5/17/07, Alaric Dailey <alaricdailey at> wrote:
> I hate to be a PITA but these issues were brought up a while ago by Eddy
> Nigg and Myself.

I understand, but at that time, as now, I was trying to get the spec
to be finished. We've been in something of an informal feature-freeze
for a while. Perhaps we should have explicit feature-freezes.

I'd suggest starting an OpenID 3 thread to talk about the features
that you want to add. That way, you can start trying to convince
people that your features should go in without having to battle with
people like me who just want to have a stable spec release with the
improvements that we already have.


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