Differentiating between User Identifier and OP Identifier

Eran Hammer-Lahav eran at hammer-lahav.net
Tue Jul 31 18:05:28 UTC 2007

> The OpenID spec is not authoritative for what XRDS documents can or  
> cannot contain; it just says how to consume them for the purposes of  
> OpenID authentication.

Point taken.

As for the last few points, I now understand how all the little details from
the various sections come together. I still like my idea of reorganizing
section 7.3.2 a bit but it's not my call. I would suggest to word the last
line in to mention Yadis. Something like:

When parsing an XRDS document retrieved during Yadis discovery (via a URL
Identifier), the CanonicalID element MUST be ignored if present.

> Those do not come to the same conclusion - while support for XRIs is
> left for each RP to decide, the same does not apply to the XRDS / Yadis
> discovery for URLs.

So XRI is optional?



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