PROPOSAL: rename Identity Provider to OpenID Provider

Recordon, David drecordon at
Thu Oct 19 05:14:55 UTC 2006

I agree with Josh's reasoning
(  So
willing to change it, I would've added "meaning changed from OpenID Auth
1.1" as one of your pros, but also don't see it as being something
critical.  If people come up with a term that is liked, I'm happy to
support it.


-----Original Message-----
From: specs-bounces at [mailto:specs-bounces at] On
Behalf Of Dick Hardt
Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2006 1:05 AM
To: specs at
Subject: PROPOSAL: rename Identity Provider to OpenID Provider

(writing this up so that it can go in David's proposal wiki :-)


* Liberty specifications use the term Identity Provider (IdP) to refer
to a site that provides any kind of identity assertion about the user,
and this term has come to have that general meaning in the market. Since
OpenID IdP only asserts that a user has an OpenID, this leads to
confusion about what an OpenID IdP actually does.

* When asserting parties are introduced into the OpenID specifications
at a later time, they will also be IdPs, but will need a different name
since they are not doing what an IdP does in OpenID.


Rename Identity Provider to OpenID Provider in the spec

	+ clarity on what the IdP in the protocol does
	+ will provide clarity in future

	- some simple search and replace needs to be done on the spec
	- people in the OpenID Community are used to using the term IdP

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