[Openid-specs-native-apps] Fwd: Web Browser news from WWDC

John Bradley ve7jtb at ve7jtb.com
Fri Jun 12 20:38:40 UTC 2015

Have a look at 23min into this video from ADC.

https://developer.apple.com/videos/wwdc/2015/?id=504 <https://developer.apple.com/videos/wwdc/2015/?id=504>
This is a significant development.

In talking to others from Google yesterday and today, they have introduced similar functionality in Android rolling out in approximately the same timeframe, and backwards compatible with current versions of Android.

Being able to invoke a web tab without an app flip is a significant change, potentially making the TA in the browser that we have talked about the preferred option on iOS.

People should look at the ACDC draft https://bitbucket.org/openid/napps/wiki/Home <https://bitbucket.org/openid/napps/wiki/Home>.

It may be that NAPPS for enterprise is OAuth using a tab plus PKCE and some additional app verification logic + fido api in the browser.
For SasS we may be able to use OAuth + ACDC and discovery in a tab.

It looks like the tab will have access to device certificates solving some peoples issues around that.

We should also be able to do accountchooser.com <http://accountchooser.com/> in the browser tab to perform account discovery.

Now that the changes have landed on iOS and Android we should be good to do testing in the late summer fall.

Please start the discussion on the list.

I recognize that some people will still have use cases for native token agents, so I am not proposing completely eliminating that yet.

However it seems like we will be able to do significantly more with the browser than we had been thinking.

John B.

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