[Openid-specs-mobile-profile] Issue #106: Means to request claims to be embedded in the issued ID token (openid/mobile)

Takahiko Kawasaki issues-reply at bitbucket.org
Tue Oct 23 05:20:05 UTC 2018

New issue 106: Means to request claims to be embedded in the issued ID token

Takahiko Kawasaki:

Is there any plan to add request parameters for the backchannel authentication endpoint that can specify claims the client wishes to be embedded in the issued ID token (like the `claims` request parameter in OIDC Core)?

In addition, is it okay to assume that `profile`, `email`, `address` and `phone` scopes are interpreted in the same way defined in OIDC Core, [5.4. Requesting Claims using Scope Values](https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#ScopeClaims)?

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