[Openid-specs-heart] A few comments on Alice Consents to Clinical Research [UMA]

Debbie Bucci debbucci at gmail.com
Mon Feb 1 22:30:14 UTC 2016

>> CDRN: RqP? (is that what you meant by RP? could be RqP/client for our
purposes, assuming a specialty client) -  believe that is the point Josh
was making as well ... for the current use case the CDRN the client/RqP

AS operator could map to multiple roles (s)

 Not certain researcher and/or IRB  (involvement/role) should be altogether
silent.   Permitting a CDRN to query for some type of data without
registering/logging some identifier to point to the originator triggering
the query is worrisome to me.  I do not know enough about Query - perhaps
that requirement satisfied with queryID
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