[Openid-specs-heart] HEART Clinical Research UMA

Glen F. Marshall glen.f.marshall at gmail.com
Fri Jan 22 22:55:14 UTC 2016


Here is a *link 
to a read-only shared copy of the updated Clinical Research (UMA) use 
case.  It now contains fleshed-out business prerequisites, sequence 
diagrams, and some minor corrections.

Please respond with your suggestions, corrections, etc.  But please do 
not alter the document itself, as the master Word copy and Visio 
graphics are all in my personal cloud storage.

Note I have not included the final sequence diagram -- review of 
disclosures and modification of UMA permissions -- as I'd like to 
discuss the proper UMA mechanisms and flow to accomplish the modifications.

Also note I have specifically made the AS a singular IRB-selected 
element within the use case.  All access control policies are determined 
by the IRB for ongoing access, with the patient consenting to them.  
This also keeps HEART away from ongoing political, regulatory, and 
policy matters that are properly out of scope for our technical work.

Since I will be at the IHE Connectathon next week, I won't be on our 
schedule 1/25 call.  Looking forward to discussions on-list and in 
February meetings.


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