[Openid-specs-fapi] Issue #384: sever metadata (openid/fapi)

Brian Campbell issues-reply at bitbucket.org
Tue Feb 23 22:59:14 UTC 2021

New issue 384: sever metadata

Brian Campbell:

Is there a need for none as a grant\_id\_supported value? Wouldn’t it be sufficient to have the lack of a grant\_id\_supported server metadata entry mean that the AS does not support grant ids? I dunno, maybe it’s fine. 

Do we really need `grant_management_actions_supported`? Are there really many cases where only one of the two actions will be supported? The presence of `grant_management_endpoint` kinda implies at least one \(or an erroneous condition of an endpoint that supports no actions\).  And `grant_management_query` or  `grant_management_revoke`in scopes\_supported also implies support of the associated action. Again, I dunno, but `grant_management_actions_supported` seems like just unnecessary noise. 


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