[Openid-specs-ab] SIOP Special Call Notes 02-March-21

Tobias Looker tobias.looker at mattr.global
Mon Mar 8 21:07:49 UTC 2021

> Can return change the requirement `iss`=self-issued.me if this new
discovery mechanism is adapted

I also want to voice support for revising this in SIOP V2, the iss value
being self-issued.me provided a way for an RP to detect the id_token is in
fact a SIOP response and hence apply different validation rules, however I
dont think this divergence needs to occur. What SIOP sacrifices currently
is being able to identify the provider of the response, whether that
provider is running in the form of a native app or PWA does not change the
fact it is still a provider. Furthermore I do think in certain
circumstances that the provider discovery mechanisms we already have (e.g
/.well-known/openid-configuration) could still work for a provider that
operates in a distributed/decentralized manner (e.g as a native app or PWA).

[image: Mattr website] <https://mattr.global>
*Tobias Looker*
+64 (0) 27 378 0461
tobias.looker at mattr.global
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On Tue, Mar 9, 2021 at 9:59 AM Tobias Looker <tobias.looker at mattr.global>

> Hi Tony,
> Are you able to elaborate on this statement?
> > ZKP work has been done with JWTs too
> Thanks,
> [image: Mattr website] <https://mattr.global>
> *Tobias Looker*
> Mattr
> +64 (0) 27 378 0461
> tobias.looker at mattr.global
> [image: Mattr website] <https://mattr.global> [image: Mattr on LinkedIn]
> <https://www.linkedin.com/company/mattrglobal> [image: Mattr on Twitter]
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> On Mon, Mar 8, 2021 at 6:52 PM Kristina Yasuda via Openid-specs-ab <
> openid-specs-ab at lists.openid.net> wrote:
>> Notes are also here
>> <https://bitbucket.org/openid/connect/wiki/2021-03-02> (Connect WG
>> Bitbucket Wiki).
>> Albert Solana
>> Justin Richer
>> Vittorio Bertocci
>> Anthony Nadalin
>> Tom Jones
>> David Waite
>> Oliver Terbu
>> Tim Cappali
>> Jeremie Miller
>> Adam Lemmon
>> Kaliya Young
>> Edmund Jay
>> Markus Sabadello
>> Kristina Yasuda
>>    -  IPR Agreement
>>       - As the SIOP special calls are part the AB/Connect Working Group,
>>       anyone wishing to participate and contribute need to submit a contribution
>>       agreement: https://openid.net/intellectual-property/. The
>>       agreement signed between DIF and OIDF doesn't extend to their member's IPR.
>>       I again apologize for the confusion this question may have caused during
>>       the call.
>>    - Update
>>       - New WG in DIF "Wallet Security
>>       <https://lists.identity.foundation/g/wallet-security>" is starting
>>       (charter is being drafted) which discusses trust into the wallet is
>>       in-scope. Tom said we should monitor the progress in that group to have
>>       synergy and avoid overlapping scope with this group.
>>    - Action items
>>       - Write up a more concrete proposal on the discovery and present a
>>       prototype at the next call (Jeremie and DW)
>>       - Define success criteria for the discovery - number of SIOP SW
>>       installed, etc. (Tom and Tim)
>>    - New issues
>>       - Value of iss = self-issued.me (#1208
>>       <https://bitbucket.org/openid/connect/issues/1208/siop-v2-dynamic-iss-claim-ref-required>
>>       )
>>          - Questions: how to communicate the information about the SIOP
>>          SW provider and what is the rationale to use self-issued.me
>>          - What is the rationale behind using self-issued.me as `iss`
>>          value?
>>             - Oliver: it was used as a source of static OIDC
>>             configuration because SIOP does not have a service endpoint. Questions why
>>             self-issued.me is needed.
>>             - DW: selfissued.me was not meant to be hit. Original
>>             limitations of SIOP when it was created was that only way to invoke a
>>             native app from a website was a custom url scheme. No good IPC channel
>>             between them, so redirect was chose.
>>             - Justin: goal of using this discovery launch point for SIOP
>>             was that all device driven things are started the same way, without knowing
>>             what kind of device you are trying to get to. Another hard issue is that
>>             issuer identifier used throughout the protocol is based on the initial
>>             discovery. In SIOP it pretends to be HTTP when it actually isn't.
>>          - Oliver: any other requirement that RP needs to know discovery
>>          endpoint upfront before the authorization request is sent?
>>             - DW: You can't control what is kicked off using custom URL
>>             scheme. Having individual URL for PWA that is universal link allows to use
>>             specific wallet. That means users have to select which particular wallet
>>             they want to use.  No control over what OS vendors would
>>             reserve for authentication flows, and this is not a solvable problem,
>>             rather tradeoffs.
>>          - Tom: we could make a unified statement to the browsers what
>>          we need - solving the NASCAR problem
>>       - *Discovery proposal alternative to openid://*
>>          - Jeremie: Best effort, not a perfect solution, leans heavily
>>          on the platforms. Using the set of APIs that iOS, Android and Windows
>>          provide to present the user with the selection from that is already
>>          installed
>>             - Three parts. First, some common website to publish app IDs
>>             as authorized apps to open links for a given path that all RPs will target
>>             with a new Discovery request.
>>             - Second, when user clicks that link, the platform will
>>             query that website to discover if there is a local app that will handle the
>>             request to that path, it will open app.
>>             - Third, using the platforms' built-in share sheets
>>             capability - OS will present a list of applications that can handle that
>>             data. Any supporting app registered to receive that path would ask the OS
>>             to present the list of application that can support handling that request.
>>          - DW: analogy is a native app version of CHAPI. What we can do
>>          now is self-issued.me can have metadata file for platforms that
>>          says which issuer people can redirect to rather than openid://, native app
>>          on the list will get triggered. Applications from third party app stores
>>          would also be able to opt in to receive those requests. Share sheets also
>>          work with app-to-app.
>>       - Following discussion
>>          - Tim: we need to define the success criteria. One or several
>>          wallets.
>>          - DW: agree. Is the user responsible for maintaining several
>>             wallets that may conflict? Need to take into the reality of dependency on
>>             the platforms.
>>          - Oliver: Can return change the requirement `iss`=self-issued.me
>>          if this new discovery mechanism is adapted? To include DIDs in `iss` for
>>          example.
>>             - Justin: Restrictions on the issuer identifier matching
>>             come from the discovery specification in OIDC. if a new discovery
>>             mechanisms is used, you're not bound to those same rules. It is fundamental
>>             to OIDC and very deliberate that there are two different fields in OIDC -
>>             who is the user and who says so.
>>             - The two are tightly bound only in so much as a user
>>             account is tightly bound to the IdP that asserts that user account. You do
>>             not want to constrain self-issued identifiers by requiring somebody be
>>             identified by their device because that is potentially very bad privacy
>>             risk, allowing colluding RPs to share information about an individual user.
>>             - DW: issuer and user identities today would have a parallel
>>             to user and wallet iidentity attestations in the secure wallet space.
>>             - Tom: wallet identifier and wallet instance identifier
>>             should be distinguished.
>>          - Supporting LD-proof signed claims
>>          - Question addressed: how to send back VP signed by LD-proofs
>>          - Oliver: proposal of introducing a new artifact vp_token that
>>          would represent VCs signed using JWTs/LD-proofs. It would be wise to
>>          support LD-proofs to embrace SSI community and allow new ZKP schemes (BBS+)
>>          and other privacy preserving technology that DHS SVIP program actively
>>          supports. Vp_token is a cleaner approach that is better from extensibility
>>          (additional claims?). Question to the implementers if this is viable.
>>          https://hackmd.io/PZE3__bjT-e3NnjTGK7PHQ?view
>>             - Kristina:  introducing a new scope is a protocol change,
>>             which has significant ramifications.  There would be lots of
>>             questions to answer, like what triggers its addition (possibly use of a
>>             "claims" request?), what if there are multiple VPs, etc.
>>          - Tony: I would oppose is vp_token is exactly the same as VP,
>>          because it may cause a problem processing. There is an issue of no approved
>>          algorithms or canonicalization methods for LD-proofs. ZKP work has been
>>          done with JWTs too.
>>          - Tom: success of this spec should not be dependent on the
>>          success of DIDs and VPs. You can canonicalize the whole VC/VP by putting it
>>          into JOSE structure, expand the header section.
>>          - Discussion on how much work RPs would have to do to accept
>>          LD-proofs - add support for the existing relevant libraries or getting this
>>          inside HSM to use for fundamental features.
>>       - Call Schedule
>>       - The next SIOP special topic call is in two weeks at the same time
>> ------------------------------
>> *差出人:* Kristina Yasuda <Kristina.Yasuda at microsoft.com>
>> *送信日時:* 2021年2月4日 14:54
>> *宛先:* openid-specs-ab at lists.openid.net <openid-specs-ab at lists.openid.net>
>> *件名:* SIOP Special Call Notes 02-Feb-21
>> SIOP Special Call Notes 02-Feb-21
>> John Bradley
>> Albert Solana
>> Justin Richer
>> Mike Varley
>> Anthony Nadalin
>> Torsten Lodderstedt
>> Brian Campbell
>> Tom Jones
>> David Moeller
>> Nader Helmy
>> Oliver Terbu
>> David Bantz
>> Jeremie Miller
>> Adam Lemmon
>> Dion Bramley
>> Kim Duffy
>> Matt Randall
>> Bjorn Hjelm
>> Tobias Looker
>> Edmund Jay
>> Kristina Yasuda
>> Regrets: Mike Jones
>>    - Introductions
>>    - Agenda Bashing
>>       - Kristina: Today's agenda is to introduce "Portable Identifiers
>>       work" and discuss scope and direction: driving use-cases, adoption
>>       challenges, workstream name is a misnomer?, and relation to a MODERNA
>>       account porting spec
>>    - Overview of the Portable Identifiers draft
>>    https://mattrglobal.github.io/oidc-portable-identities/ (WIP):
>>       - Tobias: The problem addressed is how users can outlive the
>>       Provider and be able to transfer identity from one provider to another and
>>       what mechanisms are available to make this possible. Related work is an
>>       account porting spec in OIDF MODERNA WG that defines mechanisms to
>>       hand-over from one provider to another.
>>       - *Mechanism we are exploring is using cryptography to establish
>>       proof of control over the subject identifier *to allow
>>       transferring ownership and consent of the user. DIDs establish a way to
>>       achieve this.
>>       - SIOP, Chapter 7 in OIDC, allows for portability for co-located
>>       model, this work tries to expand that to other deployment models
>>    - Use-cases motivating the work
>>       - Torsten:* SSI is about portability, but no one emphasizes it.*
>>       Portable identifiers would provide a way for server cloud hosted wallets to
>>       assert DIDs, which is impossible with the scope of SIOP V2 draft which
>>       revises OIDC chapter 7 and is optimized for a deployment model where OP and
>>       RP are co-located.
>>       - Torsten: Example of *real life use-case would be British
>>       Columbia's prototype* where a server-hosted OP uses DIDs and VCs.
>>       Would als o like to enable banks in Yes.com ecosystem to assert
>>       - Question from Kim regarding details of Section 6 "Subject
>>       Identifiers"
>>       - Tobias: in OIDC, identifiers are domain bound to the IdP's
>>       namespace, but there could be other types of identifiers: jwk thumbprint is
>>       one kind of identifier used in original SIOP section of OIDC and DIDs are
>>       another kind.
>>       - Kristina: *rough consensus in the WG since the beginning of SIOP
>>       revision has been to introduce a layer of indirection to `sub` to allow it
>>       to be a URI.* With this, DIDs can be used as subject identifiers.
>>       - Clarification from Tony - "wallets" are not limited to mobile
>>       wallets, any server hosted OPs would be able to assert DIDs.
>>       - Tobias: "wallet" is an overarching term, used in particular
>>       deployment models, but the function that it serves is OPs
>>    - Why another attempt at portable identifiers will have a different
>>    outcome (than i-names), whether for adoption by people, adoption by RPs, or
>>    adoption by OPs?
>>    - Tobias: Agrees with Mike's sentiment that normal people don’t care
>>       about portable login identifiers.  This is more about identity
>>       bound to the provider - trust relationship - does not want to offer
>>       - John: with former i-names, problem was with a business model.
>>       Given that larger providers give identifiers for free, paid IdP did not
>>       fly. No one is against having portability, but no body was willing
>>       to pay extra for it.
>>       - Torsten: No one is willing to pay for identity - *the discussion
>>       on business **model is related to the entire SSI-based model *and
>>       should be separate from a technical discussion here.
>>       - John: all comes down to the key management and asserting
>>       identifiers, other things come along to be used. Currently, IdPs
>>       use keys bound to their DNS which means using single key for all
>>       identifiers. *There is a good reason to abstract that into being
>>       able to use individual keys for individual accounts, separate from a
>>       business model discussion.*
>>       - Kim: we are focusing on a wrong use case. In educational
>>       occupational credentials, *users **care about things remaining
>>       usable over** life time, *and they don't care if it's phrased
>>       portability. We just need to expand out to the use cases that
>>       benefit from portability.
>>    - Is "Portable Identifiers" is a misnomer?
>>    - John: we are not talking about porting identifier themselves,
>>       rather that* the **cryptographic keys used to prove control over
>>       identifiers are portable* and can potentially be used to migrate
>>       from one identifier to another.
>>       - John: the naming can be "Portability of cryptographyc proofs to
>>       assert control over identifiers" spec
>>       - Kim: this is not about portable identifiers but portable
>>       credentials associated with an identifier
>>       - Tony: How do you define portable credentials?
>>       - John: identifier is part of a credential, every credential is
>>       essentially portable; need to define the language
>>       - General consensus is yes. Alternative naming suggestions in a
>>       chat: Portability between Identifiers rather than Portable Identifiers;
>>       Inter-Identifier Portability (IIP)
>>    - What changes would be required from OpenID Connect RPs to support
>>    'portable identifiers'?
>>    - As explored in the Portable Identifiers draft, RPs would have to expand
>>       client metadata elements indicating support for supported subject
>>       identifier types and did methods. *ID token would be fundamentally
>>       signed by the provider who is performing the authentication, but there
>>       would be a separate claim in the ID token that proves user's control over
>>       the subject identifier.* Worst scenario - RP would assume
>>       identifier is tied to the provider (instead of a user)
>>    - What changes would be required from OpenID Connect OPs to support
>>    'portable identifiers'?
>>       - OP would need to support cryptographically verifiable subject
>>       identifiers - including DIDs. And advertising support for those features
>>       through OIDC discovery mechanisms
>>    - No comments regarding the usage of VCs/VPs in OIDC
>>    - Can this be a profile to MODERNA Account Porting spec?
>>       - General consensus is no, *this should be a separate work due to
>>       a differences in **concept and approach.*
>>       - John: In MODERNA complete cryptographic proof is not used though
>>       it was considered because you have an Old OP to provide look up services.
>>       We should not be constrained by the choices MODERNA made.
>>       - Bjorn: MODERNA porting is based on migration mechanism from
>>       OpenID 2.0 to OpenID Connect. account porting spec is written in a very
>>       flexible way
>>       - Torsten: co-author of account porting spec - the spec assumes
>>       that old OP is still operational even after account porting has
>>       happened. Another big difference with Portable identifiers spec is
>>       the fact that in account porting spec, identifier is always scoped
>>       in the name space of IdP - not the case with DIDs.
>> Minutes can also be found in Connect WG Bitbucket Wiki:
>> https://bitbucket.org/openid/connect/wiki/SIOP%20Special%20Call%20Notes%2002-Feb-21
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