[Openid-specs-ab] Issue #1264: Include input_descriptor `id` in OIDC4VP response and request (openid/connect)

Kristina Yasuda issues-reply at bitbucket.org
Thu Jul 8 20:53:10 UTC 2021

New issue 1264: Include input_descriptor `id` in OIDC4VP response and request

Kristina Yasuda:

In DIF PE / OIDC4VP call, it was pointed out that with module-approach, it is acceptable not to use `presentation_submission` , but not including input\_descriptor.id in the response will prevent RP from knowing which VP is sent back in response to which input\_descriptor.

In[ example 9.1.2 in OIDC4VP](https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-4-verifiable-presentations-1_0.html#name-authentication-response), this would mean adding verifiable\_presentation.id

  "kid": "did:ion:EiC6Y9_aDaCsITlY06HId4seJjJ...b1df31ec42d0",
  "typ": "JWT",
  "alg": "ES256K"
         "id": "id_document_1"
      "kid": "c7298a61a6904426a580b1df31ec42d0",

Because the current request syntax in OIDC4VP does not use input\_descriptors \(I think it was paused before we agreed with the PE editors which direction PE spec editing will take place\), above change would mean below modification to the request syntax.

         "input_descriptors": [

Building up on Issue #1256 


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